My loads are not selling, what am I doing wrong?

We want nothing more than for your efforts on StoneLoads to be successful. This article includes tips for creating the most appealing product listings.

The StoneLoads team works hard to get as many eyes on your material as we can — it's our primary goal to help you move product as quickly as possible. If products aren't selling as quickly as you'd like:
    • Make sure you have quality material for sale. Bad material is hard to sell, no matter how or where you try to sell it. 
    • Make sure prices are fair. We encourage pricing adjustments for premium material, but that also means some adjustments for poor quality material as well. 
    • Take good pictures of your material. Need more help on this front? We have an entire help article devoted to taking good pictures HERE.
    • Try mixing up your offering. If a load of all one product is not selling, take it down and try a mix — half a load of one product and half a load of another. Try and keep mixed loads complementary, things that would be sold at retail together. Think flagstone and steps, wallstone and cobbles, thin veneer and wall caps or sills, etc. 
    • Use your sales history to help shape loads. Look at your loads that sold quickly on StoneLoads and try to recreate similar-looking loads if possible.
Loads may take longer to sell if they are:
      • New product
      • Experimental
      • Higher value loads
      • Seconds or waste product
Feel like you've completed all the steps above and still have product that won't move? Our team would be happy to help. Send us an email to for a listing review and custom recommendations.